• Global Impact Factor 2015 : 0.765
  • Global Impact Factor 2014 : 0.654



ISSN ONLINE     :     2394-4056

ISSN PRINT        :     2394-4048

Journal of Physical Education Research (JOPER) is a scientific publication. It is a peer reviewed and referred journal, officially publishes original research articles on Physical Education and its allied sciences. The JOPER is an open access international journal has four annual issues (March, June, September and December), with its own issue number and supplements if necessary for each issue. JOPER publishes in both printed and online version. It is devoted to the promotion of physical education and allied sciences. The experiences of different countries are very important to share on a platform like this. Therefore, this international journal serves to bring scholars from diver's background interns of their domain of specialization and scholarships and will enrich our understanding of various issues related to the physical education and sports. It also provides an International forum for the communication and evaluation of data, methods and findings in physical education and allied sciences. Based on the international character of the Journal, the articles/research papers can be published by authors from all over the world. The journal is under the indexing phase in several international bodies and organizations. The journal publishes scientific publications according to the criteria listed in the Guidelines for the Authors. Everyone who has met the requirements of the journal and who takes full responsibility for all that is written in the publication has the right to publish their article with us. The review and the corrections made by the editorial board and its associates do not dismiss the author (the co-authors) from the responsibility for his/her publication, and they also do not change its originality.

JOPER welcomes research articles from physical educators, sports scientists, health educators, coaches, athlete trainers and research scholars profoundly involved in physical education researches from all over the world to report their research findings and experiences with us. Applications of the publications are open throughout the year.


Journal Overview